We will sing, dance, play and learn though songs, rhymes and simple stories in this program designed for toddlers along with their parents and caregivers. The program concludes with an informal play session.
Parents and caregivers participate along with their babies in this program that emphasizes sharing songs, rhymes, bounces and short stories. The program concludes with an informal play session.
No registration required.
Staging Youth's Future will be holding auditions on this date (9/27/18) for an upcoming performance and would like to use the facility for that purpose.
Join the Society for Creative Anachronism at this rapier fencing practice that is open to the general public. Audience members are allowed to watch or participate. Must be 18 years+ to fence. Drop-in program.
Join us in a discussion of cookbooks, recipes, and food.
Bring a dish to serve, if you wish, but it is not required. Mangia!
Please register for this program.
In the midst of our demanding lifestyles, feelings of overwhelm, stress, brain fog, and anxiety are common. What we eat-or don’t eat-can powerfully impact our ability manage the physical and psychological stress response.