The Best Thing About Dogs Is...

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Science & Nature, Featured

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Program Description


Join us for a lively discussion about the well-being of the dogs in our lives. Topics will include but not be restricted to:

  • socialization – a right way and very wrong way.

  • time/energy/money involved to make my dog a Therapy Dog.

  • simple, inexpensive ways to improve my dog's quality of life.

  • modern training and behavior – a lot has changed, a lot is out there, even online.

Marlene Wagner is a Certified Professional Trainer and retired Veterinary Assistant of 38 years at Nassau Vet. She’s BA grad of Cornell; completed the Purdue University "the Dogs" Behavior Modification Program. She has given workshops on dog behavior for the American Animal Hospital Association Annual Conference, dog control officers, visiting nurses, kid safety, and other venues. 

Let's dog-talk; pick Marlene's brain, chat about your dog, show everyone photos. 

But really, this talk will be for us to have FUN!

Please register for this program.