East Greenbush Community Library 10 Community Way East Greenbush, NY 12061 United States
Warm up your February Break with Bingo at the library! Everyone will get a chance to win prizes, have fun, and laugh with friends.Registration required. Please register the child o...
Warm up your February Break with Bingo at the library! Everyone will get a chance to win prizes, have fun, and laugh with friends.
Join us on Wednesday evenings!What have you been reading lately? Join our Wednesday night Facebook book chat to share your recent reads and gather recommendations from li...
Join us on Wednesday evenings!
Here (2024)- Coming of Age-DramaFrom the Writer, Director, & Stars of Forrest Gump! A generational story about families and the special place they inhabit, sharing in love, los...
Here (2024)- Coming of Age-Drama
Celebrate participating in the Winter Reading Challenge! Share what you read for the challenge. Snacks, prizes, and good conversation. Open to the public. No registration necessary...
Celebrate participating in the Winter Reading Challenge! Share what you read for the challenge. Snacks, prizes, and good conversation. Open to the public. No registration necessary.
Do you know weird and random facts? Do you want to show off your skills? Test your knowledge, and work together to win! Come with your friends as a team of 4, or team up the night ...
Do you know weird and random facts? Do you want to show off your skills? Test your knowledge, and work together to win! Come with your friends as a team of 4, or team up the night of to take on the challenge.
Come to an interactive session on how to care for your pet's teeth. You will learn the basics of what is best for your pet's dental health at any age and how to start or add ...
Come to an interactive session on how to care for your pet's teeth. You will learn the basics of what is best for your pet's dental health at any age and how to start or add to your at home pet care.
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